Impact Map

Thank you for visiting the Impact Map, provided by the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN). This online resource displays current statewide data that can be viewed by ISD, school district, high school, college, county, prosperity region, and legislative district.

MCAN encourages all community stakeholders to use the Impact Map data to inform decision making and promote impactful change as we collectively work to increase postsecondary attainment in Michigan. With the ability to navigate between geographies, Impact Map users can compare schools, ISDs and regions across Michigan along seven key metrics. The Community Assets tab provides details about specific community programs such as Promise Zones and Local College Access Networks (LCANs), along with information related to the engagement of colleges and high schools in attainment and persistence strategies. This data promotes understanding of the educational assets and challenges in Michigan communities, and helps residents and stakeholders advocate for change.

Join the movement and support our mission of reaching Sixty by 30 in Michigan.

Michigan Statewide Performance

* Source: Michigan Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI).
** Source: Michigan Department of Treasury/Student Scholarships and Grants (SSG).
*** Source: Lumina Foundation, A Stronger America.
**** Source: Michigan State University Institute for Public Policy and Social Research - State of the State Survey.